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Retail Leasing disclosure obligations

When leasing commercial property, it is important for tenants and landlords to understand the relationship they are entering and the rights and obligations they have. In New South Wales, retail leases are regulated by the Retail Leases Act 1994 (NSW) (the ‘Act’). A...Read More

Retirement Living – life beyond bingo and bowls!

Not surprisingly people talk about buying their first home as being a life changing event and it is. However, in the past it has been rare for people to talk so excitedly about moving into some form of retirement living. Given that sooner or later most of us are...Read More

Employee or Contractor – do you know the difference?

It’s important for all businesses to have systems in place to determine whether workers should be classified as employees or independent contractors, as tax, super and other government obligations are different depending on whether the working arrangement is...Read More

Technology and your estate

Most people are aware that a valid Will determines how their assets are dealt with after they are gone. Your Will can appoint a trusted executor to administer your estate and provide gifts to your chosen beneficiaries. You may also appoint guardians for minor children...Read More

Business Structures – Trust

When commencing a business venture, it is necessary to consider the most appropriate type of business structure to put in place. Different business structures have different benefits and disadvantages. This article looks at trusts – how to set up a trust and the...Read More

Buying and selling property under an option agreement

Buying and selling real estate via an ‘option deed’ has gained popularity over the past, particularly in a growing property development market. Option deeds are predominantly used for the acquisition of a site for future development and can be drafted to accommodate...Read More

An overview of Retail Leases

Commercial leases form part of many business transactions. When leasing commercial property, it is important for both landlords and tenants to understand the relationship they are entering and the rights and obligations they each have. A commercial lease governs such...Read More

Defending a claim against a deceased’s Will

An executor is the person appointed to manage the administration of an estate when a Will-maker (testator) dies. Similarly, an administrator will be appointed by the Court if the testator dies intestate (without making a Will). As the official Legal Personal...Read More